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Target Audiences

Verschoon targets different audiences.

On this page an explanation about these audiences.

Among individuals / foundations, we see families and non-profit associations that want to be environmentally conscious.
We prefer to see associations financed with contributions or donations spend their budget on their essentials, not on waste. We collect the diapers from them free of charge, but we do ask them to give Verschoon some name recognition.
Private individuals and foundations can borrow diaper pails and changing tables from us.

Among commercial groups we see business partners who want to offer their customers / visitors a clean environment where parents / carers can safely change and care for their children.
We unburden our clients by placing the rented items, maintaining them and picking them up afterwards.
When picking up, we also take the diaper waste with us so that it can be recycled.
In addition to complete changing stations (changing table, changing mat, diaper pail), we also have cots and high chairs in our range. Commercial groups may rent our products and/or services for a fee.

We would like to refer groups with a lot of diaper waste, such as childcare locations, care institutions and municipalities to our partners from (Diaper) Recycling Nederland. They offer subscriptions where one or more 240 or 660 liter containers are placed.

Few diapers but still recycle.

We give groups that would like to have their waste recycled but have too few diapers for their own container subscription the opportunity to offer their diaper waste separately. Their diaper waste is collected in the diaper container at Verschoon. This container is emptied regularly by (Nappy) Recycling Nederland.

In order to cover our costs (container subscription, service, etc.), we have chosen to charge a fee from commercial groups.

Childminders and playgroups are also commercial groups, why are they also considered private?

Childminders usually have even less diaper waste than a regular young family. It is not a container subscription for them, so we are happy to collect the diaper waste from them.

For playgroups we ask to provide an estimate of their diaper waste, if they have little diaper waste, we will collect it, if they have a lot, we refer them to our partners from (Diaper) Recycling Nederland.

Private / Non-Profit

Diaper collection
Verschoon collects the diaper waste.
Borrow pails
Families can borrow pails from Verschoon.
Borrow tables
Families can borrow changing tables from Verschoon.

Diaper collection
Verschoon collects the diaper waste.
Borrow pails
Babysitters can borrow pails from Verschoon.
Borrow tables
Babysitters can borrow changing tables from Verschoon.

Diaper collection
Verschoon collects the diaper waste.
Borrow pails
Sports clubs can borrow pails from Verschoon.
Borrow tables
Sports clubs can borrow changing tables from Verschoon.

Diaper collection
Verschoon collects the diaper waste.
Borrow pails
Places of worship can borrow pails from Verschoon.
Borrow tables
Places of worship can borrow changing tables from Verschoon.

Diaper collection
Verschoon collects the diaper waste.
Borrow pails
Playgrounds can borrow pails from Verschoon.
Borrow tables
Playgrounds can borrow changing tables from Verschoon.


Diaper collection
Verschoon collects the diaper waste.
Rent pails
Organizers can rent pails from Verschoon.
Rent tables
Organizers can rent changing tables from Verschoon.

Diaper collection
Verschoon collects the diaper waste.
Rent pails
Amusement parks can rent pails from Verschoon.
Rent tables
Amusement parks can rent changing tables from Verschoon.

Diaper collection
Verschoon collects the diaper waste.
Rent pails
Swimming Pools can rent pails from Verschoon.
Rent tables
Swimming Pools can rent changing tables from Verschoon.

Diaper collection
Verschoon collects the diaper waste.
Rent pails
Hospitalities and Shops can rent pails from Verschoon.
Rent tables
Hospitalities and Shops can rent changing tables from Verschoon.

Diaper collection
Verschoon collects the diaper waste.
Rent pails
Businesses can rent pails from Verschoon.
Rent tables
Businesses can rent changing tables from Verschoon.

Through our partners

Container subscription
Childcares can take a Diaper Recycling Netherlands subscription.
Rent pails
Childcares can rent pails from Verschoon.

Container subscription
Healthcares can take a Diaper Recycling Netherlands subscription.
Rent pails
Healthcares can rent pails from Verschoon.

Container subscription
Municipalities can take a Diaper Recycling Netherlands subscription.